Messenger Day works similar to Instagram Stories or Snapchat Stories. You can post photos and videos as they happen then post it on Messenger. You can also add to your day from a conversation you’re having with a friend or group of people. In addition, you can also customize how you share your content or delete it if you want to take it down. You can post as many as you want since all of it disappears after 24 hours.
Here’s how you can start using Messenger Day:
1. First, make sure you’ve updated your Messenger app so you have the latest version.
2. Open Messenger and tap on the camera highlighted with a sun to celebrate this launch. Doing so drops you right into the full-screen camera. Or, tap the “Add to your day” button at the top of your inbox to get started.
3. Snap a quick selfie or take a photo or video of what’s around you.
4. To add art and effects, tap the smiley face icon in the top right and then tap to add to your photo or video. You can also add text over your images by tapping the “Aa” icon, and you can overlay a drawing by tapping the squiggly line in the top right corner.
5. Once you have your photo or video the way you want it, tap the arrow in the bottom right corner. You can then add directly to your day, save it to your phone’s camera roll, and/or you can choose to send it to a specific person or group of people. The photo or video that you add to your day will be viewable for 24 hours.
Source : Facebook Messenger
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